Mixed Mode

Our pride and joy! Our database is completely phone-recruited and fully profiled to give us layers of targeting as well as past participation information across all sectors and all countries. All respondents have opted in to be contacted for research by phone only.

Traditonal CATI

Telephone surveys are one of the most preferred choices that carry the potential to maximize response rates and help maintain complete control over the quality of the data collected through a standardized questionnaire from a sample population.


Proksyresearch has broad coverage and capabilities to conduct telephonic surveys in more than 40 countries. We provide multi-lingual support for telephonic surveys, translation services in all major languages spoken around the globe:

Proksyresearch provides a complimentary range of research outsourcing and direct marketing support services including Data Collection (CATI, CAWI, F2F, CLT, Qualitative, Quantitative etc) (Direct Marketing), Data Processing and Data Analysis, along with survey programming.

To be a global, industry-leading provider of high quality, cost effective services designed to enhance/improve relationship using intellectual capital of Indian brain.

Proksyresearch is a full-service market research firm, offering a multi-panel solution. We represent several of the largest online panel vendors, with a combined panel of more than 10+ million individuals in over 53 countries, and are methodology and online panel specialists. In fact, several of the vendors you are probably familiar with occasionally go outside their own panel and many rely on us to complete their projects.


We have our online panel where millions of respondents are listed ranging from B2B, B2C, Healthcare and along with that, we have a very strong panel pool network of over top 150 data providers who are top notch and have gone through our rigorous selection process.

Send us a message or any query if you have

Email : info@proksyresearch.com

Phone : Updating soon..

Message us for any query, We will be happy to help you.

    About us

    Proksyresearch provides a complimentary range of research outsourcing and direct marketing support services including Data Collection (CATI, CAWI, F2F, CLT, Qualitative, Quantitative etc) (Direct Marketing), Data Processing and Data Analysis, along with survey programming.




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